Comic Adventures Wiki
DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes
Title: Sawyer Mason, Stark Ex Brainwashed
Author: OOC: Iron Man
Article: Local Society
Sawyer Mason, Stark Ex Brainwashed
By: Randy Rover

Many people have been wondering about Miss Sawyer Mason when there was an article in a gossip magazine about her being alive. Not only is she alive and well, but she is back to managing the Nook and Cranny Bookstore she owns in Upper Manhattan. When inquires to where she has been the last year, and how it is like being back from the dead, I was 'kindly' escorted out by her staff.

However, I came to discover she has a twitter account! For those that do not know about this social network, it does not have the privacy filters or graphic rating protections that other social networks have like Facebook. From this precious little account, we actually get a peek into the story behind the scene.

First and foremost, Miss Mason and Tony Stark are quite broken up, including a youtube videos to prove it from Mr. Stark (Unconditionally by Katy Perry of all things) and from Miss Mason (Let Her Go by Passenager). Next, apparently they are bickering about not talking to each other, but actually interacting in a complicated manner that only Mr. Stark can pull off. Has anyone told Miss Mason about unfollow? Wait, Mr. Stark may not want me to say anything, pardon me.

Next, where has she been this past year? Apparently up to no good! She mentioned brainwashing on her twitter and Spider-Woman herself commented about being shot in her delicious rear with a sleeping dart (pardon, she didn't use the terminology delicious rear that was so me).

Still, the two are interlinked as Mr. Stark had publicly claimed Asia as his niece and she is still spending time with Miss Mason and apparently her Aunt and her Aunt's foster child. Wait, was Asia not being stalked by an AIM Agent last year sometime? Oh yes, she was! Wonder if they have anything to do with this brain washing?

If one was to monitor Miss Mason's activities, why is she suddenly on this volunteer hype at soup kitchens and big into the gym? She did not do that before her over publicized death. And where did the bruise on her face she was witnessed with having come from? Is it from her gym antics or something darker? The evidence and questions are piling up, and suspicions are gathering: Just who is Sawyer Mason?
