Comic Adventures Wiki
DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes
Title: Stark Does It Again - Ice Skating
Author: OOC: Tony Stark
Article: There is a cell phone recording that is a little jumpy, but clear shown on youtube. The audio isn't the best, but it does pick up a few things here and there from the side-lines.

Stark is dressed in a stylish light grey wool jacket over a grey turtleneck, and darker grey slacks. He is wobbling on ice skates as he pushes from the railing. His face isn't seen clearly as he is half looking away, "This is harder than it looks," he says in a complaining tone. Then WHOP! There is a grunting sound when his bottom hits the ice, "Ouch....," and other things not clearly heard.

"Warned you," and She-Hulk is seen being surprisingly graceful on ice skates as she skates past him. Though she winks toward the cell phone, appearing amused as she passes.

Stark picks himself up to his knees, "I'm too old for this," and then back to his feet wobbly. He brushes himself off and awkwardly starts trying to skate again. It's not clear what he is saying, but sounds like complaining. Though suddenly, "Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" His arms go spinning and he moves to try and grab hold of the poor returning She-Hulk!

Their collision ends up looking *very* compromising. Doesn't help that her breasts are about where the average guy's face is...

Stark's voice is muffled in her chest, before he finally works to extract hims face from it's bountiful cushioning with She-Hulk laughing, and what appears to be Hank Pym (for those into SCIENCE!) appearing on skates while clapping; "Jen, I'm no expert on ice fishing, but I think you should throw that one back."

"Oh, I don't know. He has his uses," She-Hulk says while still laughing.

The clip then ends.

Comments (Most Recent First):

lame, looks like money can't buy you lessons, Guess it's easy being green.

Hahaha. I knew he put his pants on one leg at a time!

Which one is the greater boob?

Looks like he's gunning her engine

Isn't this guy's gf, like dead? He already has another one!

Seems pretty funny to me. Oh, I know this is lame, but check out for awesomesauce.

