Comic Adventures Wiki
DC/Marvel: Age of Infinite Heroes
Title: Prime Anti-Mutant: Slaughter in Times Square
Author: OOC: Fang
Article: As the camera pans in, a middle aged anchorman sits behind a desk:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, this is Tom Tucker for Channel 6 news. Today Times Square was the scene of mass carnage as the Pro-Mutant rally that was held was the sight of mass murder. The rally began as mutant activist Alexander Summers began his speech welcoming everyone and beginning to explain his dream for mutant equality. However, Mr. Summers was gunned down by an unknown assailant and sparked some sort of mutant riot. Security was forced to intervene on the behalf of the humans attending the rally and open warfare ensued. Reports estimate that at least mutant casualties number over a few dozen, but perhaps the most puzzling thing were the mutants dressed as superheroes as they took out members of security. <Camera cuts to Husk as she smacks an FoH member in the face with a rocket launcher. Then cuts again to Chamber firing a massive biokenetic blast towards three FoHers.> City officials are in an outrage and there are talks of banning any more mutant rallys until a more in depth investigation can be launched.

We manged to catch up with a few witnesses that were present when the shooting started:

A young human male, looks like a skateboarder. "Dude, when that blonde guy got shot these other guys, like, suddenly pulled out guns and just opened up on the crowd. It was pretty freakin gnarly, man!"

A middle aged man (Michael Young), "Those damned muties went psycho! When that Summers guy was shot, they got so angry that they just started murdering every human in sight. One of them blew off my freaking leg!" <Camera pans down to show that the man is, indeed, missing a leg>

A young teenage girl, "I don't know, like, what really happened, you know? But, like, I remember this metal dude, and he was like, I'm here to save all of the humans from, like, the mutants. But I didn't stick around, casuse, like, I was supposed to meet my boyfriend later. *twirls her extremely blonde hair while talking*

The camera goes back to Tom Tucker. "We'll keep you posted with any late breaking news related to this story as local authorities are still sorting out the crime scene. Stay tuned to this channel for the latest news on this situation.

Log: 2012-08-26 - Prime Anti-Mutant: Prime Evil

Plot: Prime Anti-Mutant
